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Shopping places in Dahab - Egypt, the best shopping malls in Dahab

 The best Shopping places in Dahab

The best Shopping places in Dahab

 Shopping places in Dahab and Dahab malls are presented to you through ilovetravells with place recommendations

 The places to shop in Dahab are a little limited, but shopping in Dahab is a lot of fun, where you can get the best souvenirs.

 Dahab is a major tourist city, and it contains many hotels and shopping centers spread in limited areas only in Dahab.

 Shopping places are not the best features and tourism in Dahab does not depend on shopping or shopping services in general.

 Dahab City Center - Shopping places in Dahab

 It is a street in the middle of Dahab filled with shops selling all kinds of traditional and Bedouin clothes and some souvenirs.

 In addition, Dahab City Center Street is one of the best streets in which you can stroll and have a nice tour in the city center.

 In addition, the street is one of the most famous shopping places known in Dahab, which is teeming with tourists and the indigenous Bedouin owners of the entire area.

 Shopping places in Dahab - Al Mashaya Street in the city of Dahab

 Al Mashaya Street in Dahab is one of the most popular streets among tourists who love to visit Dahab on a continuous basis.

 Al Mashaya Street is one of the most important picnic areas to have a great stroll in downtown Dahab and one of the best shopping places in Dahab.

 Al Mashaya Street is one of the shopping centers in Dahab that contains many shops selling Bedouin clothes that are suitable for shopping in Dahab.

 Soliman dahab gift shop

 Solomon Dahab Gift Shop is one of the most famous shops selling souvenirs in Dahab, and it also provides you with many gifts that can be purchased.

 Whereas, Soliman Gift Shop provides you with decorative lighting, and the traditional games known in central Egypt, such as dominoes and backgammon.

 Dahab Friday Market or soaq elgomaa

 The Friday market in Dahab is the most famous market that is held inside the city on a continuous basis, and it is one of the markets that does not stop at all throughout the year.

 Many handicrafts made by Bedouins are sold in the Friday Market of Dahab and some collectibles that are sold in the Friday Market.


 Dahab malls

 Mostly if you are looking for malls in Dahab, you will be heading to the streets that are represented by shopping centers, and the most famous malls are:

 Ramses Family Mall 

 Ramses Family Mall is one of the most famous malls known among the original inhabitants of the city and frequent visitors who love Dahab.

 In the Ramses Family Mall, many handicrafts are sold, in addition to the most famous types of clothing brands at different prices.

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